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Family of Adeline^7 Sarah Van Wickle

Adeline^7 Sarah Van Wickle (Stephen^6, Jacob^5 Charles, Nicasius^4, Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 2 January 1828, Pointe Coupee par., La

Married: Joseph Paul Coulon (b. 1 Sep 1804, Philadelphia, PA and d. 20 June 1875, Rockbridge Alum Springs, VA) 29 May 1848, at "The Hermitage" Pointe Coupee, Louisiana

1. Stephen^8 Cottrel Coulon, b. 7 March 1850, Louisiana

2. Andrew^8 Stoddard Coulon, b. 1851, Louisiana (died in childhood)

3. Adeline^8 Sarah "Addie" Coulon, b. 1854, Louisiana

4. Joseph^8 Paul Coulon, b. 1856, Louisiana

5. Elise^8 LeDoux Coulon, b. 1860, Louisiana

6. William^8 Price "Willy" Coulon, b. 1862, Louisiana

Adeline's parents are Stephen and Adele (Morgan) Van Wickle
Joseph's parents are Joseph (b. 1763 and d. 1816) and Helena Thomase [Cotterel] Coulon (b. 15 July 1768, Rennes, France and d. 14 Dec 1851).

[Portrait of Joseph Coulon [1763-1816] painted by ?? [Someone wrote "Gilbert Stuart" at the bottom but that has not been verified.] Joseph is the father of Joseph Paul Coulon, husband of Adeline Sarah Van Wickle; courtesy of David Conroyd via 28 Aug 2011 email]

Background information: Adeline^7 Sarah Van Wickle (Stephen^6, Jacob^5 Charles, Nicasius^4, Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), was b. 2 January 1828, Pointe Coupee par., La and d. in "The Hermitage" Pointe Coupee par., La on 15 Jul 1866 at age 38. Buried in Pointe Coupee par. and re-interred at Metairie, La. She married Joseph Paul Coulon, (b. 1 Sep 1804, Philadelphia, PA and d. 20 June 1875, Rockbridge Alum Springs, VA) 29 May 1848, at "The Hermitage" Pointe Coupee, Louisiana. He was buried in Pointe Coupee, La and re-interred at Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans, LA

[Joseph P. Coulon obituary from [New Orleans] Picayune, June 27, 1875 -- It will be with sentiments of profound regret that our community learns of the death of Mr. Joseph P. Coulon. He died last Sunday morning a 5 o'clock at Rock Alum Springs, Virginia where he had gone hoping to find relief from the debility from which he suffered. Deeming himself not ill enough to cause any alarm, he left with a pack of business friends, taking with him no immediate member of his family. The parting with his children on the threshold of his own home was destined to be the last forever. They were never to look upon his face again. His body reached the city on Thursday's night train, and on Friday evening at 5 o'clock he was laid to rest in Girod Cemetery. The many tears which were shed during the impressive ceremonies at St. Paul's Church, the large attendance, the long line of carriages, and the many friends who followed on foot to the grave, bore testimony to the respect in which Mr. Coulon was held by his fellow citizens. The deceased had been a resident of New Orleans for more than forty years. During that time he always occupied the position of a prominent business man, deserving and possessed of the esteem of all who knew him. He was a man of sterling worth, distinguished for his keen sense of humor, high toned integrity, and firm principles. His manners were those of the old school, and marked with refined dignity and almost punctilious courtesy. In early life he had traveled much and had acquired a knowledge of the people and customs of many countries. Habits of observation and reflection, combined with quick intelligence, had enabled him to treasure up mental records of these early journeys, which made his conversation upon such topics always instructive and entertaining. He married, after settling in New Orleans, the daughter of Hon. Stephen Van Wickle, of Pointe Coupee. This estimable lade died some nine years since, and her loss was one, which, to the bereaved husband, the lapse of time made only more keenly felt. Domestic in his tastes--with a profound sense of duty--and devoted to his home and his children, he won a filial affection as strong and deep as ever blessed the life of man, and at the ripe age of three score years and ten he has gone down to the grave deeply mourned by his sons and daughters, and regretted by many warm and attached friends."

Children: Stephen^8 Cottrel Coulon, b. 7 March 1850, Louisiana and d. 22 Jan 1895; Andrew^8 Stoddard Coulon, b. 1851, Louisiana (died 6 April 1857 in childhood); Adeline^8 Sarah "Addie" Coulon, b. 1854, Louisiana and d. 1940. She married Lee E. Hooper (b. 1852, d. 1941) and they had at least two children, Adeline Hooper (1888-1988) and Stephen C. Hooper (29 July 1892-17 July 1912); Joseph^8 Paul Coulon, b. 1856, Louisiana and d. 1948. After 1880, for reasons unknown, he changed his surname to Cottrell, his grandmother's maiden name. He then in turn named his only son, Josoph Paul Cottrell, Jr. [1888-after 1918]; Elise^8 LeDoux Coulon, b. 1860, Louisiana and d. 1944. She married Wm G. Brothers; William^8 Price "Willy" Coulon, b. 1862, Louisiana and d. 11 Nov 1930.

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 250-251.

Harry Macy, Jr. research notes for Stephen^6 Van Wickle

(The following information on family of Joseph and Adeline (Van Wickle) Coulon, courtesy of David Conroyd in 12 Dec 2004 email)

1804 Sep 1 Joseph Paul Coulon b. in Philadelphia, PA

1810 Census, Bristol twp, Bucks Co., Pennsylvania [a country estate just NE of Philadelphia] lists Joseph Cooloon, 2 males < 10 [fits Joseph P., 6 and Adolphus, about 4]; 1 male 26-44 [perhaps step-son Andrew C. Armstrong, 14; 1 male 45+ [first Joseph, 47]; 1 female 10-15 [nearly fits step=daughter Melanie de Mestre, 19] and 1 female 26-44 [fits Helena, 42] courtesy of David Conroyd via 1 Oct 2011 email

1820 Census, Philadelphia, Chestnut and Walnut wards, Pennsylvania lists H.C. Coulon; 1 free White female 26-45 [Melanie?], 1 free white female 45+ [Helena], 1 free colored female 26-45; [but where were sons Andrew C. Armstrong, 26, Joseph P. Coulon, 16, and Adolphus Coulon, about 14?] courtesy of David Conroyd via 1 Oct 2011 email [David also indicates that he is unsure where J.P. was in 1820, though it appears his widowed mother and half-sister were in Philadelphia]

1828 Jan 2 Adeline Sarah Van Wickle b. at her parents' home "The Hermitage" in Pointe Coupee, La

1840 Census, New Orleans, 3rd Ward, Orleans par., La, p. 115 for J.P. Coulon; 1 M 30-40 [Joseph Paul Coulon, age 36], 1 M 40-50 [perhaps Andrew Cottrell Armstrong, his half brother], 5 slaves, males of 36 and under 55; number of persons in each family employed in: 1 learned Profession Engineer [J.P. Coulon]

New Orleans Directories 1843, Coulon, J.P., Superintendent of the N. O. Waterworks, Bacchus bi Triton & Calliope; 1846 Coulon, J.P. Superintendant of the Water Works Commercial Bank of N.O. dwelling bet. Caliope and Triton Sts.

1848 May 29 Adeline married at her father's home "The Hermitage" by Rev. Mr. Rogalle  to Mr. Joseph P. Coulon of N. Orleans (newspaper clipping in J.P. Coulon family Bible)

1850 Mar 7 son Stephen was born

1850 US Census, New Orleans, Orleans par., municipality 2, 4th Ward, La, p. 225 A, s. 449, Aug 10 lists Joseph P. Coulon 46 M Engineer, PA, Adeline Coulon, 21 F LA [wife], Stephen Coulon 5/12 M LA [son], Mary Gathway 24 F Ireland, Catherine Hurley 45 F Ireland, Ellen Coulon 86 F France [mother]

1851 Oct 10 - son Andrew born

1851 Dec 14 mother Helen Cotterel de Mestre Armstrong Coulon died, age about 83

1854 daughter Adeline born

1856 son Joseph born

1860 US Census, New Orleans, Orleans par., 2nd Ward, LA, p. 261, July 2 lists J.P. Coulon 56 M W Plumber $4,000 $2500 Penn, Adeline Coulon 30 F W La, Stephen Coulon 11 M W La, Adeline Coulon 5 F W La, Joseph Coulon 2 M W La, Ernestine Fonsuch? 23 F W Servant - $3000 Saxony

1860 daughter Elise born

1862 son William born

1866 Daily Picayune 22 Jul 1866 death index under: Mrs. J. P. Coulon, death date 7/15/1866, died at Pointe Coupee, at the "Hermitage", residence of her father.

1870 US Census, New Orleans, 2nd Ward, Orleans par., La, page 271, June 16 lists J.P. Coulon 50 [63] M W keeps cotton press $5000 $8000 PA, Stephen Coulon 20 M W Wh. Grocer, La, Adeline Coulon 16 F W at home, La; Jos. Coulon 12 M W attends school, La; Elise Coulon 10 F W attends school, La; Willie Coulon 8 M W attends school, La; Ann Fannon 20 F W domestic svt, La; Ann Corey 25 F W domestic svt, La

1875 Death Notice - "Died. COULON -- On Sunday morning at 5 o'clock June 20, 1875 at Rock Bridge Alum Springs, VA, J.P. Coulon, Sr. The funeral will take place from St. Paul's Church, corner at Camp and Gaiennie streets. This (Friday) evening, June 25th at 5 o'clock. His friends and acquaintances and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend without further notice.  [Joseph died at a hospital in Virginia while trying to recover his health.]

Succession of Joseph Paul Coulon found in N.O. Public Library, Orleans par., 2nd District court, 1838-1880, R929.3 071 v. 2 suit #38083; transferred to Civil Dist. Court #4262 6 July 1875. Stephen Coulon reports that his father Joseph Paul Coulon died 20 June 1875 leaving five children three of which are minors: Joseph Paul Coulon, Elise Coulon, William Price Coulon. Two elder ones: Adeline Sarah Coulon and Stephen Coulon.

24 Dec 05 email from Jan Pfitzner - I was looking through your Van Wicklin pages as the name Joseph Paul Coulon appears there - brother to my GGG Grandfather, Adolphus Coulon who came to Australia from America in 1832. Their parents being Joseph Coulon and Helene Cotterel [de Mestre, Armstrong].

28 August 2011 email from David Conroyd -- Joseph Coulon [b. 28 Apr 1763 in Millau, Aveyron, France, d. 1 Jan 1816 Cape May, NJ as a result of the wreck of the brig Perseverance.

1 Oct 2011 email from David Conroyd on Metaire Cemetery, New Orleans, Orleans par., Louisiana [cemetery opened 1871; earlier deaths must have been moved from elsewhere. This cemetery features above ground tombs.

Coulon Hooper -- Andrew S. Coulon, died April 6, 1857 aged 6 yrs and 6 mos.; Our mother [Adeline Sarah Van Wickle Coulon], died July 15, 1866 aged 38 yrs & 6 mos.; Our father [Joseph Paul Coulon], died June 20, 1875, aged 70 yrs and 9 mos; their son [Stephen C. Coulon], died Jan 22, 1895; Stephen C. Hooper, July 29, 1892 - July 17, 1912; William Price Coulon, died November 11, 1930; Amelie Magendie Coulon, died January 6, 1937; Adeline S. Coulon Hooper, 1854 - 1940; Lee E. Hooper, 1852 - 1941; Elise Coulon Brothers, wife of William G. Brothers, 1860-1944; Adeline Hooper Holiday, 1888-1988